Monday, April 27, 2009

The calm before the storm...

I'm sure most of the 315 yogis don't have any expectations still and all of us were nervous about the 130 minute class with Bikram this evening. It was our first class and though I expected the worst it was quite pleasant. Bikram has a good sense of humor and made the practice challenging and fun. He talks alot, which I don't mind, sometimes it's useful, sometimes not. Something he said that made me laught," western women get divorces because #2 they don't have that tight of a grip and #1 reason the don't cook #3 they expect their broken down vws to perform like ferraris." I'm not sure why I remembered that of all the positive things he mentioned. For instance, he said bad is limited because the worst that can happen is you die. Good is limitless. It was amazing experience to see hundreds of mats rolled out and all of us in one room. It's beautiful yet something I cannot describe...
I had a large "homemade dinner" - tuna sandwich with mushrooms and tomatoes, virgin mimosa, coconut water and veggie wheat thins. Yum!
The swine flu scare is concerning me a bit so I plan on making most of my meals in and avoid eating out. I just heard on the news that people are getting tested here.
I can't believe it's only the first day of official practice. I hope my mind, heart, willingness to learn is ever present but especially throughout the training.
I miss Jin and am too tired to write anymore.


  1. Hope the weathers great. The food sounds yummy.

  2. SISTHER!=)
    How do you make a virgin mimosa? Sounds like you are soaking in the experience for alll its worth! Since its crazy to get ahold of you at will my plan is to keep up with your blog and check out your daily progress! I'm so proud of you for being so brave and following your heart and passion, my hope and dream is to be in a position to join you in this journey soon too=)... I love Bikram's theory of why western women get divorces.. too funny. The swine flu is so scary make sure to always wash your hands, stay away from other peoples sweaty mats and limit your Ujjayi breathing you can't wait to hear more

  3. I am glad things are off to a good start...besides your concern with the Swine flu...they have vaccination for it...and hopefully no one in the program came from for visited Mexico...luv you girl!
