Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 8

Saturday was yogi laundry day. It was great bonding time for us. I've been fortunate to never have had to go to laundromat in my entire life. In addition we ran to Costco, natural foods and grocery and were exhausted by the time we came back to the hotel.

The other pic is representative of what I look like most of the day-dressed in yogi wear with my trusty backpack.

Time for bed! Ahhh....thankful for nice cushy feather top beds!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Half Moon Posture dialog- I'm DONE! Phew! What a relief! Unfortunately we still have about 80 more until we're completely finished, which means maybe 9 more hours of sitting through dialog recitation.
Leaving for PM class, followed by In and Out and late night lecture.:)

edit*** No In and Out today, we've decided we'd go sometime before Wednesday.
Just finished late night lecture and another Bollywood flick. This one was good so I tried my best to stay awake for the whole thing. I may have seen about 2/3 and caught the beginning and the end. It's tough when they start the movies at 11pm or midnight!

Bikram corrected me today. He was gentle in his correction. He didn't call me a "lezy idiot" like some he calls out during class.:) For the most part he's been pretty gracious, especially with the ladies. The men aren't so lucky. He pushed me to touch my thumbs to my forehead in the "Head to Knee" posture. The first time for me, honestly didn't think it would be possible, it is a very deeeep stretch.
A few things I love about Ze Yoga: Sweat pooling at the small of my back during floor series and tilting to one side to allow the sweat to drip down to the towel, the instructors, drinking cold, cold water between postures, Danha or meditation and praying for others, the energy it gives me after the practice.

54 days and counting!!:)

Friday, May 1, 2009

come down and push and push and push....

so it's been a few days since my last post, here's why:

7am: Wake
8am: Sign in and find a seat with a little bit of mirror space for am yoga
10:30-12pm: Shower, change, lunch
12pm: sign in
12:30-4pm: Posture clinic
4-5pm: change into yoga wear
5pm: sign in
5:30-7:30pm: Yoga
7:30-8:30pm: Shower and dinner
9-? Lately it's been anywhere from 1am to 4am: Lecture(mostly Bikram sharing), Bollywood and Indian history movies

I have hardly anytime to call my husband, family and friends, let alone use the restroom at times That is not a complaint... it's fun and there are literally hundreds of others going through the same regiment, feelings of uncertainty and physical demands. I'm having fun, meeting people from all over the world and I get to practice, talk and think about yoga all day. It feels similar to a jr. high camp. Imagine a room full of adults sprawled out on the floor watching a mandatory Indian movie until 4 in the morning. I wish I would have taken a picture. Getting up in the morning for early yoga is brutal but strangely I come out depleted and refreshed. Its nuts!

It's pretty incredible to be a part of a worldwide yoga community. Some of the countries people traveled from include Sweden, Czech Republic, Iran, Mexico, Spain, France, Morrocco, India, Japan, Russia, Germany, Canada(lots from BC,) New Zealand, Australia, Uzbekistan, Lithuania, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Cypress, Portugal, etc, not to mention folks from all over the US.
I'm fortunate to meet all of these people, now in this cult like Bikram community. Most have stories about how yoga has drastically transformed their lives and some are just awe inspiring. We are all here from all corners of the world pursuing health, life, happiness and desire to share this gift with others.
There a few people in particular that I've bonded with and we've unofficially branded ourselves as the 4 corners team. The first day we were served lunch we ended up randomly sitting together. Darrick, from San Jose, Me, from Seattle, my roomy, Linda from Florida, and a sweet couple, Pejma and Cammi from New York. Hence the name 4 corners team. We don't really refer to ourselves as that but we've enjoyed spending some quality meals, laughs and good times together so far.

I do have a complaint even though I know it's all "part of the process." We are in our 4th day of "Half Moon Pose or another words Ardha Chandrasana" dialog recitation. Each one of us is required to get on stage and recite the first pose along with rotating in demonstrating the pose with 4 others as one person enthusiastically throws up dialog. It has to be word for word and then be critiqued by Bikram in front of all our peers and staff. Some are awesome and some aren't so much. NERVEWRECKING!! I think I've sat through over 16 hours of watching people recite the same dialog back to back and I'm waiting for the line to shrink before getting up there. All 315 yogis are required to recite and sit through this process. It's pretty brutal because everyone is required to watch, listen and learn how we can deliver it better the Bikram way for over 3.5 hours at a time. The waiting and redundance is boring and tough to bear but there are so many different accents, some in other languages, ways of expressings and personalities, it's beautiful.

Moving on...I have never met or have known of anyone that likes him/herself more than Bikram and I guess he's trying to teach all of us to do the same. Although he is arrogant, I like him. He's speaks the truth as far as helping people heal their bodies, is compassionate and has a great sense of humor. He's living proof and has better health that many of my friends in their 20's and I think he's around 60 now.
Some of his phrases include: "I'm going to prove it to you..." "you follow me," " There is no other person in the world that knows...more than me," uh uhhhhh," "am I rrrright?"
A funny rule he shared a few days ago went something like this..."no touchie touchie, no kissie, kissie, no huggie huggie, no f#$%ie F@#$ie." Apparently about the 4th week in the ladies chakras points all open up causing major horni-ness so there's lots of fooling around between the single yogis here. HA LOL!

Overall it's a pretty amazing experience, hard but amazing nonetheless. There's just too much to realllly process right now and I'm exhausted, inspired and just trying to be in the moment right now. Apparently this is a pretty easy week so I'm mentally preparing myself for the worst. Tonight's yoga session was the first time people were leaving the room, a few people threw up, some couldn't do the postures and some broke down crying. It was a hot class unlike the others and faster in speed. It's tough and yoga helps people to release and let go of emotional baggage and deal with things we surpress. Bikram taught a 90 minute class with humor as always, he yelled at folks a little more and kicked some sick people out of the room so they wouldn't throw up on the carpet, then played his "disco music" after class, which resembled a new agey techno beat. There were parts that sounded like "children" by Robert Miles. Bikram has a cd out and singes well. I'm still undecided about his music but he's a singer among other things he's been in his life. He's always singing and dancing. He's unconventional and strange at times but it makes no differece to me because he re-balances, revives, reorganizes body parts, and heals people through his yoga therapy he's developed for over 30 years.

As far as acommodations and living in PS, I can't expect much more from the staff here, they are great, the food is decent and the scenery is beautiful. The hotel is always crowded with good music and energy, lots of people hanging out everywhere-the pool, the bar in the center of the hotel, etc. I'm looking forward to exploring the area once the weekends open up. For now, I'll be spending my time sleeping, shopping for food, sleeping, laying by the pool and studying during the weekend.

There's too much to share but I'm going to try and save energy because 1) get up earlier for 8am class 2)write in my personal journal 3) pray


Monday, April 27, 2009

The calm before the storm...

I'm sure most of the 315 yogis don't have any expectations still and all of us were nervous about the 130 minute class with Bikram this evening. It was our first class and though I expected the worst it was quite pleasant. Bikram has a good sense of humor and made the practice challenging and fun. He talks alot, which I don't mind, sometimes it's useful, sometimes not. Something he said that made me laught," western women get divorces because #2 they don't have that tight of a grip and #1 reason the don't cook #3 they expect their broken down vws to perform like ferraris." I'm not sure why I remembered that of all the positive things he mentioned. For instance, he said bad is limited because the worst that can happen is you die. Good is limitless. It was amazing experience to see hundreds of mats rolled out and all of us in one room. It's beautiful yet something I cannot describe...
I had a large "homemade dinner" - tuna sandwich with mushrooms and tomatoes, virgin mimosa, coconut water and veggie wheat thins. Yum!
The swine flu scare is concerning me a bit so I plan on making most of my meals in and avoid eating out. I just heard on the news that people are getting tested here.
I can't believe it's only the first day of official practice. I hope my mind, heart, willingness to learn is ever present but especially throughout the training.
I miss Jin and am too tired to write anymore.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 01: 315 aspiring Yogis and lots of sun!

I've officially joined the "Bikram family" along with 315 yogis from all around the world. In a short span of time I've met people from 5 countries and those from across Canada and the US. It was sometime ago that I planted a seed in my head and heart about getting certified as a hot yoga instructor. I didn't know how or when this dream would become a reality but I'm here with the support of my loving husband, friends and family. What a gift, and I can't wait to share it!
I stepped into my first class back in 04' and fell in love. I proposed the idea of going to training to my husband without serious consideration since the training was in Alcapulco. Leaving to another country after a few months of marriage was NOT an option but I asked if would consider supporting me in leaving for the training if/when it came back to the States someday. I was delighted that the following year, this year, Bikram brought the training back to California! It's all been a blur, and at times I felt like a reckloose after leaving my cush 8-5 job at a wonderful non-profit with amazing people in a down economy. However, I know deeply that this is the path for me...although I'm sure I'll be thinking otherwise at times throughout the training.
I have to say I feel like I hit the jackpot. I have an amazing husband who blessed me to pursue this path and now I am sitting in the lobby of the Marriot hotel anticipating my first yoga practice with some 315 yogis that have the same passion and heart to learn and share the "gift." Seriously, this is going to be my job?! A blessing I count in a BIG way. I hope to become the best I can be and just soak in this time.
A few things I took away from orientation is to be open and be present and without expectations, I'd like to apply this to the training as a whole and through each practice and lectures. Be humble and willing to learn.