Monday, April 27, 2009

The calm before the storm...

I'm sure most of the 315 yogis don't have any expectations still and all of us were nervous about the 130 minute class with Bikram this evening. It was our first class and though I expected the worst it was quite pleasant. Bikram has a good sense of humor and made the practice challenging and fun. He talks alot, which I don't mind, sometimes it's useful, sometimes not. Something he said that made me laught," western women get divorces because #2 they don't have that tight of a grip and #1 reason the don't cook #3 they expect their broken down vws to perform like ferraris." I'm not sure why I remembered that of all the positive things he mentioned. For instance, he said bad is limited because the worst that can happen is you die. Good is limitless. It was amazing experience to see hundreds of mats rolled out and all of us in one room. It's beautiful yet something I cannot describe...
I had a large "homemade dinner" - tuna sandwich with mushrooms and tomatoes, virgin mimosa, coconut water and veggie wheat thins. Yum!
The swine flu scare is concerning me a bit so I plan on making most of my meals in and avoid eating out. I just heard on the news that people are getting tested here.
I can't believe it's only the first day of official practice. I hope my mind, heart, willingness to learn is ever present but especially throughout the training.
I miss Jin and am too tired to write anymore.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 01: 315 aspiring Yogis and lots of sun!

I've officially joined the "Bikram family" along with 315 yogis from all around the world. In a short span of time I've met people from 5 countries and those from across Canada and the US. It was sometime ago that I planted a seed in my head and heart about getting certified as a hot yoga instructor. I didn't know how or when this dream would become a reality but I'm here with the support of my loving husband, friends and family. What a gift, and I can't wait to share it!
I stepped into my first class back in 04' and fell in love. I proposed the idea of going to training to my husband without serious consideration since the training was in Alcapulco. Leaving to another country after a few months of marriage was NOT an option but I asked if would consider supporting me in leaving for the training if/when it came back to the States someday. I was delighted that the following year, this year, Bikram brought the training back to California! It's all been a blur, and at times I felt like a reckloose after leaving my cush 8-5 job at a wonderful non-profit with amazing people in a down economy. However, I know deeply that this is the path for me...although I'm sure I'll be thinking otherwise at times throughout the training.
I have to say I feel like I hit the jackpot. I have an amazing husband who blessed me to pursue this path and now I am sitting in the lobby of the Marriot hotel anticipating my first yoga practice with some 315 yogis that have the same passion and heart to learn and share the "gift." Seriously, this is going to be my job?! A blessing I count in a BIG way. I hope to become the best I can be and just soak in this time.
A few things I took away from orientation is to be open and be present and without expectations, I'd like to apply this to the training as a whole and through each practice and lectures. Be humble and willing to learn.