Half Moon Posture dialog- I'm DONE! Phew! What a relief! Unfortunately we still have about 80 more until we're completely finished, which means maybe 9 more hours of sitting through dialog recitation.
Leaving for PM class, followed by In and Out and late night lecture.:)
edit*** No In and Out today, we've decided we'd go sometime before Wednesday.
Just finished late night lecture and another Bollywood flick. This one was good so I tried my best to stay awake for the whole thing. I may have seen about 2/3 and caught the beginning and the end. It's tough when they start the movies at 11pm or midnight!
Bikram corrected me today. He was gentle in his correction. He didn't call me a "lezy idiot" like some he calls out during class.:) For the most part he's been pretty gracious, especially with the ladies. The men aren't so lucky. He pushed me to touch my thumbs to my forehead in the "Head to Knee" posture. The first time for me, honestly didn't think it would be possible, it is a very deeeep stretch.
A few things I love about Ze Yoga: Sweat pooling at the small of my back during floor series and tilting to one side to allow the sweat to drip down to the towel, the instructors, drinking cold, cold water between postures, Danha or meditation and praying for others, the energy it gives me after the practice.
54 days and counting!!:)
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